Version 1.1 of the ‘2313 board

We’ve just revved our open-source ATtiny2313 breakout boards to version 1.1.
There are a couple of nice improvements for the new version. First, we made the board single sided to match our original ATmegaxx8 board– this means that it’s relatively easy to print out the layer separations and make your own at home, if you like to etch your own boards. We also changed around the configuration of the prototyping areas, making it so that you can now fit up to two DIP-8 packages, breadboard style, on the board.

Here’s what the top and copper layers of the new board look like:

This is an open-source project; the designs are released the GPL, GFDL, and CC-BY-SA licenses.
You can download the design files for version 1.1 of the card here(592 kB .ZIP file). This is a ZIP archive that contains the full schematic diagram (PDF format), PCB layout, and layer separations, both as PDF and gerber.

And as usual, if you’d like to take the easy way out and just pick up a few of these, we can help you out with that too.

4 thoughts on “Version 1.1 of the ‘2313 board

  1. That’s a great job. Congratulations !! Please, could you give me the dimensions of the board?

    Thank you very much

  2. Maybe add USBTiny footprint to your Tiny2313 board? Really excellent as it is but I’d prefer a USB bootloader instead of SPI. Thank you for sharing!


    1. >Maybe add USBTiny footprint to your Tiny2313 board?

      Not sure what you’re asking here– this is designed specifically to operate with a USBtiny, and there is a footprint for the connector to that board. If you’re suggesting that we fully duplicate the functionality of the USBTiny, I’m afraid that I don’t see the point– adding on the extra dozen or so components would certainly defeat the purpose of this simple board.

      > I’d prefer a USB bootloader instead of SPI.

      You *can* hook up a USB-TTL cable to this board (and we show how to do that in another project), but I am not aware of any widely accepted bootloader for the ATtiny2313. (The only one that I’ve seen seems to be a one-off project, and still takes 25% of the flash memory!) Even if we did support bootloader programming, we’d still have to provide an ISP connector to burn the bootloader in the first place.

      So… are you actually using a ‘2313 with a bootloader? If so, which one, and through what programming environment?

      Windell H. Oskay

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