As they sign up for the TGIMBOEJ project, we’ve been asking participants to publish a link to their web site.
Skimming through the lists, we’ve come across quite a few interesting and entertaining projects, sites, photos, and other links, both old and new.
Here are just a few of our favorites:
- DVD drive teardown
- Zezinho, the poser (interactive installation)
- A reminder of what old electronics can look like
- Also, an old Outlet Blinker
- Microcontroller controls its own power supply
- Animated jack-o-lantern
- Edge-lit robot laws
- PID on Arduino
- Command line client for Twitter
- Elmo hero
- Open-source GPIB toolkit for win32
- Silly, simple USB mug warmer
- One fine button (and some CNC stuff…)
- How to remove plastic packages from ICs
- Meggy Unboxing!
- Notes on shopping for soldering irons
- Potch’s charming home page
- The most beautiful ice-cream sandwich
- Squarecave synthesizer
- Wiring small solar cells with conductive paint
- Taxi meter clock
- Automatic cap gun
- Oscillator circuit shirt
- Hacktastic binary clock
- Theremin kit build
- A Cray-2 logic module
- Stokes’ ProjBlog
- Nixie Punk
- Symbolic math in Java
- 10x SD card
Thanks for the shout-out. Glad you liked the ice cream sandwich! It took me a moment to figure out why my blog hits had gone through the roof, but I am glad it is a referral from EMSL!
Thanks for the link! I’m already seeing referrerals to my blog from it.
And I’m thinking of starting a TGIMBOEJ of my own
Thanks for the link! I’ve been an avid reader for quite a while now, and I must say, you fellows are inspiring.
Thanks for linking to my site!