You may have seen the list of state resident names. It’s a big list that tells you that a person from Texas is called a Texan, a person from California is called a Californian, and so on. However, you know and I know that there’s something wrong with the list; it just seems artificial. It’s like someone filled in the obvious ones (Iowan…) and then made up the rest.
Here, I present my corrected version of the fifty US state resident names.
State | Official Version | Corrected Version |
Alabama | Alabamian(!), Alabaman | Alabamer, ‘Bamer |
Alaska | Alaskan | Ice Boxer, Alasker |
Arizona | Arizonan, Arizonian(!) | Zoner |
Arkansas | Arkansan | Arkansasian |
California | Californian | Californiac, Californicator |
Colorado | Coloradan, Coloradoan | ‘Radder, Rectangle Stater |
Connecticut | Connecticuter, Nutmegger(!) | Connecticutioner (Rhymes with executioner) |
Delaware | Delawarean | Delawearer |
Florida | Floridian, Floridan | Floradinian |
Georgia | Georgian | George |
Hawaii | Hawaiian, malihini, kamaaina |
Surfer |
Idaho | Idahoan | Idahoer |
Illinois | Illinoisan | Illinoyer |
Indiana | Indianian, Indianan, Hoosier | Indian |
Iowa | Iowan | Ioan (Like someone from Io.) |
Kansas | Kansan | Kanser (Like the crab) |
Kentucky | Kentuckian | Kentucker |
Louisiana | Louisianian, Louisianan | Red Sticker |
Maine | Mainer | Mainiac |
Maryland | Marylander | Marylandian |
Massachusetts | Massachusettsan, Bay Stater | Massachutter |
Michigan | Michiganian, Michigander | (Michigander is awesome. I can’t beat it.) |
Minnesota | Minnesotan | Minnesooter |
Mississippi | Mississippian | Mississippier, Mississipper, ‘Sipper |
Missouri | Missourian | Person who loves company |
Montana | Montanan | MT Stater |
Nebraska | Nebraskan | Nebber, Nebrasker |
Nevada | Nevadan, Nevadian | Vader |
New Hampshire | New Hampshirite | Hamster |
New Jersey | New Jerseyan, New Jerseyite | Jersier, Jersey Cow, Shirt |
New Mexico | New Mexican | Numi, NM’er, Nummer |
New York | New Yorker | Empire Stater, Emperor |
North Carolina | North Carolinian | Nokar |
North Dakota | North Dakotan | Nodaker |
Ohio | Ohioan | Ohier |
Oklahoma | Oklahoman | OK Person, Okayer |
Oregon | Oregonian | Oregonner, ‘Gonner |
Pennsylvania | Pennsylvanian | Pencil |
Rhode Island | Rhode Islander | Fred (That’s his name.) |
South Carolina | South Carolinian | Soccer |
South Dakota | South Dakotan | Sodaker, Soda |
Tennessee | Tennessean, Tennesseean | Tennesseer, ‘Seer, Tennis Shoe |
Texas | Texan | Texasan, Texasian |
Utah | Utahn, Utahan | Utatian (Rhymes with “mutation”) |
Vermont | Vermonter | Vermonster |
Virginia | Virginian | East Virginian |
Washington | Washingtonian | ‘Toner |
Washington DC | N/A | DC’ver, Deceiver |
West Virginia | West Virginian | Westerner |
Wisconsin | Wisconsinite | Whisker |
Wyoming | Wyomingite | Wyomer |
I believe the correct term for someone from Massachusetts is "Masshole".
Good point; I’ve actually heard that term used before (unlike "Nutmegger").
Windell H. Oskay
dang i thought i posted this. im gonna replace me with someone competent, if overqualified.
windell’s name s are funner all right, but i ve lived in a few places, and people in call themselves and others bizarre things that outsiders never hear or think are just team names, but the teams were named after the people. ohions call ’emselves buckeyes; idahoans i know call emselves spuds, we oregonians are ducks not to mention beavers, and those of us in the state to the south are not "californicating" anything. we jerseyites hate the [ny] City kids calling us "bridge n tunnel people".
there’s more but i got a cold. gnite, my fellow marycans
signed, mrs j rossr
property of whitefang, evilmadcat
not from nebraska, not a nebbish
texican for someone from texas?
I like it!
Windell H. Oskay
Iowa – Iowigian (pronounced I-oh-WHEE!-jun)
Yes! Excellent!
Windell H. Oskay
Utah Utahn, Utahan Utatian (Rhymes with “mutation”)
Utard (variation of retard) is also pretty common.
Yes, I am a Utard!
I’m from Ohio, and I’m pretty sure it’s A’Hian.
Michigan Upper Peninsula – Yooper
Excellent! Yes!
Windell H. Oskay
We call pretty much anyone from the north woods of Minnesota, Wisconsin or Michigan a yuper. People that speak like the characters in Fargo… those are the type.
I live in Wisconsin, and a lot of people call us Sconnies.
whitefang here again.
sorry, people from louisiana [pronounced loo-zey-anna] are simply losers
every new yorker knows the guy from nebraska is a nebbish