Rob Cockerham, the genius behind,(and one of the few, the proud, the Honorary Mad Scientists) decided to assemble an “Elite Comment Strike Force!!!” and auction off 1000 blog comments.
Watching this auction on eBay, one of the things that surprised me was the set of “Similar Items on eBay”; Rob wasn’t alone– and the other guys are serious! There are titles like “100,000 US BLOG Visitors to your BLOG! Real Traffic,” and “200 Articles To Boost Your Article Directory/Blog #3.” I hadn’t really appreciated that there was a market for this sort of mercenary blog traffic. I’ll have to keep that in mind next time that I’m a sleazy scum-of-the-internet spam-blog operator!
Do we need to buy hits for our web page? Well, no. It’s not like we have any advertising on this page with which to make money. But we are indeed willing to pay for the privilege of being the web site that was the victim of Rob’s “Elite Comment Strike Force!!!”
Naturally, I bid, along with 23 other eager folks. The final price was $90. (Hey, free shipping!)
So, here it is: This is the story with one thousand comments. Strike force, do your worst!!!
To help get things rolling, here’s a prompt (which you are completely free to ignore): “what are you going to be for Halloween?”
Update: 10/11/2006, 8:28 AM PST 172 comments so far.
Additional prompt (which you are completely free to ignore): “What kinds of apparatus and instruments for helping to take over the world would you like to see instructions for at”
Update 2: 10/11/2006, 2:13 PM PST 530 comments so far.
More than halfway there! Here is my favorite comment so far, which is from Anonymous @
“I hope you’ll recycle these comments when you’re done with them. If your local recycling service won’t accept comments, you can always take them out back and compost them. Beautiful new comments will begin to sprout from the pile in just a few days. First there’ll be little tendrils of haiku. Then longer, more robust slogan vines. Let the natural levels of text succession take their course and you can watch a full-grown treatise grow from what was once a jumble of useless, hackneyed comments.”
Update 3: 10/12/2006, 8:21 AM PST 930 comments so far: The home stretch!
I have found it highly entertaining to watch the dynamic of nest building. We start out with comments like “I challenge you to a bet to see whoever can make a comment string nest to the MAX first!” and “I just want this to nest until only one word shows per line.”
And then, of course, we get dozens of comments about the success of that plan of attack: “I find it difficult to read your blog, because I have to scroll horizontally. You may want to consider correcting this.”
By the way, if you’re having difficulty finding a certain post, you can try using the search box near the top of the left-hand column to help find them. It works pretty well.
Update 4: 10/12/2006, 9:51 AM PST 1000 comments! (Well, 1000 including quite a few from persons– such as myself– who are not members of the elite comment strike force, you slackers!)
(Click the “Reply” button below to post a comment.)
This comment is officially unauthorized.
Fred-ECSF Member
Hey baby how is it going? Wink wink nudge nudge.
What? You wanted an actual insightful comment?
When calling out the names of common items that have good heat-retention properties, don’t neglect to yell "hard-boiled eggs in the shell"! Those babies can be deadly.
Fred – ECSF Member
There are more comments here than there are evil squirrels in Rhode Island. Fun Fact
The story is about the comments. The comments are about the story. [Head Explodes]
Whooh, my last comment brought the total up to 1111. Of course, in binary, that’s only 15 comments, which isn’t a lot. But in Hex, it’s 4,369 comments, which is more than 4 times the original goal. Good job guys.
I wonder how did you choose to put those 1000 comments on a story about the 1k comments you bought?
I wonder, after buying the comments, if you were tempted to write a fantastic article that warrented so much attention, or if, knowing that you would get the comments anyway, if you just short-handed it.
Strike force ahoy!
All you really need is boobs and a little bit of manipulation and you’re home free!
Am I too late for the STRIKE FORCE PAR-TAY??
Looks like you got more than you paid for. Here’s my contribution.
I AM your father
way to go winning the auction and all. that rules.
Whose leg do I have to hump to get a dry martini around here?
In case you were at all interested, I shall be big with baby for halloween!
I like bacon
If you were expecting 1,000 people to read & comment on this post you really should have fixed the HTML so they don’t have to scroll seven feet to the right to read the original text.
~ Evil Jim
over a thousand comments, not bad, you got your moneys worth.
But where is this story of 1000 comments? Am I missing something? it wouldn’t be the first time.
Wow, I’m incredibly late in posting here, but I see there’s been a big overachievement! Congrats!
Psst, I promised 3 comments, but anywho…
Awesome Article
Good times! My cat can eat a whole watermellon!- Jesse W.
Sweet! Did you get a video?
Windell H. Oskay
I ate a watermellon once. It was very good and I greatly look forward to the next opportunity I will have to do it again.
Well, so who could resist adding one more comment to all of the above!
It was amazing watching(reading?) how the comments became the story.
Loved the Lego Abominations BTW!
good to know it went to a site that has a working knowledge of electronics shown in the banner :D
It will be cool to take live grabs of the led display and let the vistors type in their own message to be displayed.
What’s up world, woot
this is too cool to be typing a reply that has 1159 comments, and after I press the enter button there wil be 1160 comments. Just as soon as I can press it. Almost there….
wow more than a thousand comments. how do we take some away?
COCK a doodle doo. COCKerham. COCK-a-poopie. COCK COCK COCK!
oh good lord
that is a lot of comments
and now i feel really slow and delayed cuz i havent posted any.
Hey you kids, get out of that jello tree!
You’ll have to shoot us out!
Five little monkeys, sitting in a tree,
Teasing Mr. Alligator: "Can’t catch me!"
(Whisper:) Along comes Mr. Alligator
Quiet as can be, and . . .
Four little monkeys . . .
What happened to the comment counter?
It’s stuck at 150 or something.
You’re looking at the number of new comments, as measured two different
ways. The left-hand column shows comments (and stories and trackbacks)
in the last week, and the counter by the story, as viewed on the front page,
shows the number of comments since you last read comments.
The total number of comments (1,172 before this post) is only visible at the
bottom of the text of the "story," such as it is.
Windell H. Oskay
There is a certain strange beauty in looking at this page while scrolling through it. When I hold down on the down arrow and go down, the sea of text swims and swarms and seems to be waves lapping gently at the right hand of the screen, having been born in some sea of text located far off to the outside of the monitor. When I hold down in the scroll space at the bottom, these waves move from slow languid ones made of text to more abstract waves that rush in and out, as though caused by some hurried moon. Of particular beauty to me was the pages upon pages of the letter ‘o’, which seemed to form an animation of a series of o’s that expanded and contracted, no doubt partly caused by my computer’s attempt to display what was not intended to parsed or displayed in such a manner. So you’ve ended up with not just a big load of posts, but also a zen poem rendered in text on a landscape of off white screen. It’s strangely beautiful. Would that I had so many coments at my own humble site, . Not really an attempt to glom off your fame, but perhaps to entreat you to spread your comment-karma by at least the occasional foray into unexpected linkages that come your way. I also gather you’ve made some sort of internet history, and will be archived and remembered by generations yet to come. Someday, when a student on a space station orbiting Jupiter loads up their pinky-nail sized disc labelled "Internet 1980-2080", one of their educatrons will suggest various search algorithms to sample the Earthnet in its infancy, and you may pop up as a footnote to a footnote, or a link within a link, and they will wonder if everyone in your time was this nuts.
this is freakin awesome it’s the most posts i’ve seen in one place i spend 9hrs. a day on the internet
wow – that was a good read!
whitefang strikes again
Over a thousand comments. Who reads that?
1,181 st comment!!11!1!1eleventyone!!1
You pay $90 to get 1000 folks to comment, and that’s the entry you put up?
My hovercraft is full of eels.
dear sir,
sorry to hear your hovercraft is full of eels.
have you considered an antigravity rhinoceros?
What a stupid thing to do. 1000 comments for $90.
Wouldn’t be bad if they were GOOD Comments or
even EVIL comments. Most are simply inane. At any
rate I might check this sites out. Any site that is EVIL
has to bee wonderful
i knew about a post with more than ten thousands of comments in, but what else, i just can’t believa so many people just doing nothing wile they could ah…. i don’t know, read a book or something
mmmm. rock soup.