Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture? This is a meme I never thought I’d contribute to, but this Goth necklace showed up in one of my favorite “people actually buy that?!” catalogs.
Fittingly enough, the catalog’s subtitle is “A Catalog of Personal Growth and Exploration.”
i heartt goatse
heh, until I read your comment, all I was thinking was "what is wrong with two skeletal hands holding onto a stargate?" … I guess you only see what you want to see…
went straight over my head until you mentioned goatse.
Oh, EW.
Umm…was there something *besides* the hideousness we were supposed to notice?
You’re probably better off if you don’t know, but you can use the comments above to figure it out.
You are supposed to notice the resemblance to the infamous "goatse" image. I doubt I can link you to it on here but trust me it’s not pretty and if you really wanted to see it I’m sure you could figure out a way.
I didn’t understand it either, not having seen the Goetse image. I found the pic easily but I don’t recommend it to anyone. Your life will be just that little bit better if you don’t see it.