When I reviewed the Feb. 2007 Lee Valley catalog, reader Dennis suggested we get the Garrett Wade Tools catalog. Excellent suggestion! We love drooling over tools, and the Garrett Wade catalog is a great place to do that. They carry a wide variety of “Tools for Enthusiasts,” primarily precision woodworking tools. They also carry high-end knick-knacks and home and garden items.
One of the interesting tools they carry is a pin vise, charmingly labeled “Invaluable Clamp-up Tool.” It allows you to clamp unusually shaped objects. I particularly like this picture since in the clamp is a riveted button like one that came off of a pair of overalls I had many years ago. I never did get it fixed, almost certainly because I didn’t have an Invaluable Clamp-up Tool!
In addition to tools, they offer creative containers, too. I love the idea of using a set of stacking lunch boxes for carrying the components you use the most. They also have clear topped metal spice boxes, magnet bars and incredibly beautiful Gerstner tool boxes to help get you organized.
Even though I don’t do much woodworking, I can appreciate the number and variety of planes, drills, scrapers, and clamps they carry. They even have tweezers, though it looks like they don’t have the creative labeling that ours have. Overall, Garrett Wade looks like a great place to shop from, and until I can come up with a reason to get something from them, I’m going to enjoy the eye candy in the catalog.
Garrett Wade is overpriced, and their stuff isn’t all that great. Take a look at toolsforworkingwood.com for a more-inspiring catalog.
Thanks for the input and suggestion – I’ve ordered a catalog.
Amen to that; I bought four items from them, two knives that looked great on paper but were really crap and two diamond sharpening rods, which were OK but completely devoid of any indication of country of origin, which is pretty much a no-no.
Enjoy their catalog but buy elsewhere.
I’m sorry your experience with Garrett Wade wasn’t a good one. I’ve gotten nothing but good tools & good service.