We’ve teamed up with Ponoko for a spring design challenge! We’re helping to judge and we’ve donated a Deluxe Egg-Bot Kit for the grand prize winner. Ponoko is also giving away vouchers for getting stuff made through their services. Ponoko has made it so that anyone can have take advantage of prototyping tools like laser cutters and 3D printers that used to be either prohibitively expensive or inaccessible to individuals. You upload your digital designs, choose from a wide range of materials they stock, and then they fabricate them and ship the physical object to you. We’ve recommended them for folks who don’t have access to a laser cutter, but want to make custom handles for their Meggy Jr RGB or custom cases for their Bulbdial Clock. The contest deadline is April 13, and we’re looking forward to seeing your entries!

The Deluxe Egg-Bot Kit is available here.