The ROBOT PARTY is tomorrow (Thursday) at 8PM ET / 5PM PT! This is a very special edition broadcasted LIVE from Evil Mad Science that is celebrating the fantastic website LetsMakeRobots and their recent version 4 fundraiser! If you donated to their v4 fund before May 1st, then you were entered into a drawing to win 5 fabulous prizes from seeedstudio!
But the fun doesn’t stop there! How are we to determine who will win these prizes? With a robot of course! Read on more!
During the Robot Party, Chaot by NilsB will be randomly drawing the 5 lucky winners! This robot was finely crafted and is very intense in its science, so go and check it out on LMR!
There’s even more! The Robot Party will be broadcasted LIVE from Evil Mad Science! Last week we had robots on top of robots on top of robots, and this week there will be more of that! Many robots, and you can ask whatever questions about the robots that you want! Ever wanted to go on a shopbot CNC ride? You’ll be able to! Also, congrats to them for 100% more evil mad!
We hope to see you there as it is bound to be a very exciting time! There shouldn’t be as many technical difficulties as last time, as the internet is now very speedy! Since we had a special request to post the recording of the Robot Party this week, if you can’t make it you will be able to watch the recording! Bring your robots, and see YOU at the Robot Party!
The Robot Party is just one of the several things that has been happening behind the secret* lab doors of Evil Mad Science! You can see what else I’ve been working on over here. If you see something that you would like to see more explained about, leave a comment and I will write a tutorial about it!
*not really secret