- Pop Sonnets (also available in book form).
- Highly satisfactory video of a fiberglass braiding machine.
- Adorably Cute Xenomorphs, the book.
- Lego models of Minimoog synths
- Sundial gnomon design with digital readout shadow
- Designing and prototyping a resin-molded wallet
- German school kids sing We are the Robots (youtube)
- Mega-Processor (as opposed to Microprocessor)
- TIFU by using Math.random()
- The Jitterbox (youtube), an example of an auxetic metamaterial: when you pull on it, it expands in all directions.
- The Tamagotchi Singularity. Related: View the Tama-hive
- Ken Shirriff’s great teardown of an Apple laptop charger
- Mechanical Techno Demonstration (youtube)
- MAME for Vectrex, by Trammell Hudson. (Also: Tennis For Two.)