For the past couple of years we have been working towards a public launch of the MOnSter 6502, our working transistor-scale replica of the famous MOS 6502 microprocessor.
One of the biggest pieces of the puzzle has been how to present it in such a way that shows off its beauty but also lets you see it in action. Here – finally – is the result of that effort: An elegant shadowbox frame with hidden electronics and integrated buttons.
If you’d like to see the MOnSter and its new prototype enclosure, this weekend is the perfect opportunity: we are exhibiting it at the 2019 Vintage Computer Festival West, August 3-4 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.
Where to go from here? If everything goes well, we’ll be launching the MOnSter this fall. Stay tuned!
Will there be a pcb only version. So like a DIY Kit without the components?
Yes; that is part of our plan. (A soldering kit version is _still_ not in the plan.)
Thanks, getting the components is the easy part, getting that custom PCB the hard part. So I’m looking forward to it.
So, it has been a few months, and the suspense is killing me! Can you give us another update? Think you’ll be releasing it in time for Christmas?
We’ve been hard at work, and there will be an update soon. Definitely will not be _shipping_ in time for Christmas.
Any updates? It looks fantastic, can wait to get a PCB!
Everything is looking great; we’re getting our ducks in a row for a launch soon.