OK, so I actually made a very similar LED menorah last year with Arduino and a prototype board, flickering lights and all. In fact I was shopping for a battery pack to use on this year’s model when I came across y’alls kit and–hey, you had a battery pack and a cute little stand and all! So what the heck. The main difference I see (besides yours being objectively nicer looking) is that mine had a rheostat I could use to control how many “candles” were lit. It was kinda nice, actually (I was toying with getting a wifi shield to connect to an NTP server, convert the date to Hebrew, and auto-light the candles at the appropriate time, but at that point I was into some serious scope creep).
Anyway. I know that working in a rheostat or similar on this model wouldn’t work, but maybe consider it for next year’s model? Or possibly a switch for each candle so you’re “lighting” them yourself? Just a thought. Either way, cute little booger. Can’t wait to assemble it.