Larson Scanner extended

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums Larson Scanner and Menorah Larson Scanner extended

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  • #20179

    Is the new code posted somewhere else.

    I tried compiling it using Arduino IDE 1.0.3 and I get this error.
    “a function-definition is not allowed here before ‘{‘ token”
    @ line
    void delay_ms(uint8_t ms) {
    I’ve rebuilt the board and I used the make file and forced the build anyways.
    But when I load the hex it works in regular mode, but when you hold the button and power it up.
    It does its config light show, then the LED’s scroll off to one side and never come back.
    Windell Oskay

    The Larson scanner code is for use directly with avr-gcc and avrdude, not with Arduino.

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