Alpha Clock 5 question: night light sleep setting

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums Clock Kits Alpha Clock 5 question: night light sleep setting

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  • #20237
    #ifdef moose

    I just built an Alpha Clock 5 (I only needed a little help from Windell to figure out why some of the display segments weren’t lighting up). It’s the first clock kit that I’ve built since a Heathkit, about 40 years ago. Hopefully this one won’t require me to periodically re-seat the display modules :-)

    I’ve been looking through its features without trying to read the source code (that’s my next step). I see that one of the night light settings is “sleep.” The other settings (off, low, med, high) are pretty clear, but what does “sleep” do?
    Windell Oskay

    The “sleep” mode gives a pulsing pattern, similar to the white light on certain apple products when they are “asleep.”

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