What is the per LED current range of the Peggy 2?

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums LED Matrix Kits What is the per LED current range of the Peggy 2?

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    Mainly curious if there’s any possibility of burning out LEDs via buggy code (i.e. not cycling through the matrix) with pots turned to max brightness.

    Windell Oskay

    The current range is roughly up to 25 mA per LED, in the time that they are lit, so it should not be possible to damage the LEDs through code alone.  That was a tricky design decision; it could be much brighter if it weren’t so important to keep it safe!   More info here:  http://www2.evilmadscientist.com/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=2979


    Thanks for the info and link (excellent write-up)… I figured the 1k’s would probably keep things safe but just wanted to be sure.

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