eggbot contributed and layers

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    This is my problem. I open a photo with Inkscape. I vectorize it with grayscales (4 colours) and open “post process trace bitmap” and mark “remove original bitmap” and “fill region with colour”. I go the layers but, when I move the layers on paper, with the sama coordenates, they don´t put on the same place. Which is the problem?

    Thank in advance
    Please, forgive my English
    I´ve image but I can
    Windell Oskay

    Are you using this with the watercolorbot, or some other machine? The EggBot doesn’t normally draw on paper.


    I haven an eggbot. The problem is with Inkscape (I think)

    Windell Oskay

    I’m afraid that I do not understand the problem. Can you please try again to explain what is going wrong? 


    I try to expalin better. I vectorize a photo in grayscales (4). Then I got 4 layers. I want to move them and put them in the same place: x=0, y=20 w=500 h=350 (for instance). But the layers are not stacking and, when I print in my egg, the colours move out.

    I can´t expain it better (sorry), I speak Spanish, not English. If I knew how to put here a photo…
    Windell Oskay

    Why are you moving the layers?


    I am moving the layers because I have to stretch the photo and put the layers in the correct place into the paper. Another question, how can I say to the pen that star the print of the layers in the same point?

    Thank you
    Windell Oskay
    To move all of the layers at once, first use the command 

    Edit > Select All in All Layers
    That will allow you to move all of the layers at the same time. While they are selected, you can also use the command 
    Object > Transform…
    in order to stretch all of the layers at once.  However, it may be better to first stretch and position the photo BEFORE tracing it, so that you do not need to move the layers separately.
    >Another question, how can I say to the pen that star the print of the layers in the same point?
    I’m afraid that I do not understand what the question is. Can you please rephrase?

    Thank you for your patience and your answers.

    I´ve solved the problem with the pen. I made a point drawing of a face. When I print the egg the eyes are white althoug in Inkscape I see them in black. Which is the problem?
    Windell Oskay

    I am not sure that I understand your question. Perhaps it is the case that you have a filled area, but Inkscape is only drawing the borders?


    No. The problem is that I made the drawing with a photo with stiplegen2 and export it to Inkscape. I see in Inkscape the eyes black but when I print the eyes are white (with less concentration of points, so they looks white)

    On the other hand, I open a photo of a face with Inkscape and vectorice in gray scale. In eggbot contributed I make the layers. I want to fill the regions and use the “hatch fill” but some lines fall outside the region and I can,t delete. When I use the rubber all the image disappears!
    Thank you again
    Windell Oskay

    Can you please post a photograph of what is happening with stipplegen? 

    When you are working on the separated image layers, try working on one layer at a time, and hiding all of the others. 

    I´m so sorry. I don´t know how to post a photo because when I try to insert it say “insert URL”


    I have the photo in my PC


    When I use the “hatch fill” I work only with one layer, and the others are hiding (with the eye closed) but the lines continue to apear in the wrong place.

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