suggestion: additional feature in deluxe menorah firmware

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums Larson Scanner and Menorah suggestion: additional feature in deluxe menorah firmware

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  • #20479

    for those of us who are seriously lazy, how about adding a small feature to the firmware of the deluxe menorah kit:  a 24-hour counter to automatically “kick over” the candle to the next day? (assuming that it’s left on – no need for a real time clock or nntp server or anything like that.  nor does it need millisecond accuracy, either.)

    (it doesn’t seem like a difficult programming change, except that i don’t know the programming language, don’t know the attiny chip, and don’t have the programmer gizmo, or a supply of blank chips.  other than that, it’s a piece of cake!)
    would anyone like to try implementing this, or maybe just offer tips or advice on how to do it?
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