Hi maxotics,
I apologize for the slow follow-up here. Plotink is a set of helper routines that a few of our programs use, but we’ve never really considered adding a separate GUI for it alone. We are continuing to add routines to plotink, to try and make our different programs that interface with the EBB a little more consistent, and to improve performance where possible.
Inkscape uses python 2– which is the reason that we are still using it. We have not yet had a compelling reason to update to python 3. However, we are looking at adding additional stand-alone interfaces to control our machines (EggBot, WaterColorBot, AxiDraw) through python directly, which may be cause to start supporting both officially.
StippleGen is written in processing. However, if you would like a starting point for communicating with the EBB through Processing, please start with RoboPaint RT, which has routines for managing the serial interface already.