Hatch fill patterns and removing outside strokes

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums AxiDraw Hatch fill patterns and removing outside strokes

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  • #20693
    John B


    When I use axidraw, I’m using shapes and hatch fills or pattern fills to make interesting drawings. I want to draw shapes filled with hatchfill without outlines. If I draw a rectangle I’d follow these steps:

    1. Draw a rectangle with the rectangle tool.
    2. Use axidraw hatching tool to hatchfill.

    At this point I cannot remove the outline by setting the stroke paint to “no paint.” But, axidraw will draw both the outline and the hatch fill.

    Similarly, I’ll attempt this method:

    1. Draw a rectangle with the rectangle tool.
    2. Draw a bezier curve.
    3. Selecting bezier curve, Object > Pattern > Object to Pattern
    4. Selecting rectangle, Fill and Stroke Dialogue > Fill > Pattern

    Attempting to draw this rectangle filled with a pattern fails. Axidraw only draws the rectangle’s outer shape. Can anyone help? I want a hatch fill without an outline. Thoughts?

    Windell Oskay

    For the first one, it sounds like you just need to delete the original rectangle after creating the fill. Select the filled object, then Object > Ungroup to separate the two. Select just the outer rectangle and delete it. (It’s sometimes a little hard to select just the outline of an object like that. If you have trouble, click the hatch fill and select Object > Lower to bottom. Then, you should be able to select the outline easily.)

    I’m not sure what you’re trying to do by setting the stroke to “no paint” — that makes the object hard to find, but the paths are still there in the document, and will be plotted.

    As for filling with a pattern, that will not work. AxiDraw software does not plot fill colors, gradients, or patterns. You would need to find a way to convert that fill pattern into paths.

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