Cannot connect or find Eggbot on Serial Port

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums Egg-Bot Cannot connect or find Eggbot on Serial Port

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    Apologies if this has been covered, I look through forums and was not able to solve my problem.

    Just purchased the original Eggbot kit and put it together.

    * Windows 10
    * Inkscape 0.92
    * EggBot Software 2.5.0
    * EiBotBoard v2.0

    Verified that the board is working by using Arduino’s Serial Monitor tool and sending ‘v’ to get:
    EBBv13_and_above EB Firmware Version 2.0.1

    The issue is happening when I go into Inkscape’s extension for Eggbot and try and send the command to get the EBB version or any other control command for that matter. I get the error message: “Unable to find an Eggbot on any serial port. :(“

    Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!


    Windell Oskay

    Hi James,
    Please try Inkscape 0.91, as per EggBot installation instructions. We have had many reports of 0.92 not working correctly.

    Make sure that you’ve run the EggBot software installer, as it installs a USB driver.


    Installing Inkscape 0.91 fixed the error. Thank you for the help, I’ll make sure to read the install instructions more carefully next time!


    Are you working on a fix for this? I have a classroom full of computers and use inkscape for my laser cutter and my Eggbot. The laser cutter requires 0.92 or higher and the Eggbot won’t work if I upgrade.

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