Firmware update failed

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    I recently updated the firmware for the EiBotBoard to v2.6.5 using the UpdateEBB app on macOS. The update ran up to the point it was resetting the device and then it stopped with the message “Firmware update appears to have failed.” The EggBot extension in Inkscape is also no longer able to connect to when I run the Check EBB version command. However, I am still able to put the board in bootloader mode and it’s recognized by mphidflash. Any ideas what I should do?

    Windell Oskay

    If you’re able to enter bootloader mode, try running the firmware updater again, starting in bootloader mode.


    Oh, yes, I’ve done that more than once now and with earlier versions of the firmware as well as directly using mphidflash and not the update app. It’s always the same result.

    Windell Oskay

    What kind of feedback are you getting from mphidflash?

    % mphidflash -w EBF_v265_BL.unified.hex -r                                                            ~/scripts/mphidflash
    USB HID device found: 60416 bytes free
    Device family: PIC18
    Writing hex file 'EBF_v265_BL.unified.hex':...(dots continue for several lines)
    Verifying:...(dots continue for several lines)
    Resetting device...(the script ends here after 3 dots)

    I can hear the servo for the pen holder briefly engage. The USB LED on the board is fast flashing and the USR LED is off. Which, I understand, means “EBB not enumerated with PC.”

    Thanks for helping me, by the way. I appreciate it.

    Windell Oskay

    The messages that you’re getting don’t *necessarily* mean that the firmware update failed. The “Firmware update appears to have failed” message in the Mac updater app is what you get if the programming sequence appears to have worked, but that there is trouble connecting to the board after. Likewise, the mphidflash messages suggest that the programming itself is going OK.

    You might try manually resetting after the programming sequence finishes, or possibly disconnecting USB for a bit after. (You can and should leave power disconnected for _all_ testing until communication is working again.)

    Your symptoms are also consistent with your computer being slow at recognizing a recently connected USB device, or having a somewhat slow/unreliable USB connection. You might try a different computer, a different port, or a different USB cable.

    If you continue to have difficulty, it could be a hardware problem on the board itself. Which model of EggBot is this?

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