Power Larson Scanner From Arduino

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums Larson Scanner and Menorah Power Larson Scanner From Arduino

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  • #29439

    I am incorporating the Larson Scanner into an Arduino build and would like to power it from one of the digital pins. The pins put out 5 volts and in tests the Larson Scanner is running normally. I know 5 volts is just below the max voltage for the chip but my concern is the LEDs. Am I overdriving them at 5 volts?

    Windell Oskay

    Yes, that’s overdriving them. You might consider dropping the 5 V to about 3 V by three regular silicon diodes, e.g., 1N914 or 1N4001, in series between your Arduino output and the power input of the Larson Scanner.


    Many thanks! I was thinking I was about to fry my LEDs and now I won’t. Thank you for keeping my scanner alive!

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