Category Archives: Eggbot

Packing our bags (of bots) for Detroit

Eggbot @ Cal Expo - 02

This week we’re getting ready for our big trip to Maker Faire Detroit 2010, where we’ll be demonstrating the Egg-Bot, our forthcoming spherical-coordinate drawing robot, which we’re gearing up to release later this summer.

Our last Egg-Bot outing was to the California state fair a couple of weeks ago, where we had a blast showing off our machine, drawing on light bulbs and (yes) eggs:

Eggbot @ Cal Expo - 04   Eggbot @ Cal Expo - 07Crate   plaid

What else is going on at Maker Faire? Well, lots— it’s hard to know where to begin –but for one thing Wes and Don told us about their cool project– a low-resolution 3D volumetric display based on a Peggy 2LE, rotated on a big box fan.

Embedded youtube video follows:

For those of you who can make it to the Henry Ford this weekend, we’ll certainly hope to see you there. (And further off and further away, we’re planning to be at Maker Faire NY in September.)


Evil Mad Science in Sacramento, Santa Clara and Detroit


Yes, we’re venturing out of the lab:

Saturday, July 17, we’ll be demonstrating Egg-Bot at the California State Fair in Sacramento. We’ll be in the Industrial & Technology Education building.

Sunday, July 18, we’ll be taking Tabletop Pong (and maybe Tennis for Two) to California Extreme in Santa Clara, CA. California Extreme is an event with a terribly vague name that is probably your only chance to play Gauntlet, Orbiter-1, and Hyperball on free-play!

July 31-August 1, we’ll be in Detroit, MI at Maker Faire with Bruce Shapiro and Egg-Bot.

We hope to see you there!

EggBot photo from San Mateo Maker Faire 2010 by madichan (licensed under cc by-nc).

DIY Fever: Heading to Maker Faire

It’s a busy week at the labs here. We’re getting ready for Maker Faire this weekend in San Mateo, CA– the biggest, baddest, and most awesomest DIY festival of the year.

We’ll be showcasing an updated version of our mechanical Pong game. We’ve added a curved playing field, new user-friendly knobs, and a host of other improvements that we’ll plan to write about at a later date. We hope you’ll come by and try it out–we’ll be on the west side of the Expo hall.

Tabletop Pong - 92
Some of the other projects that we’ve taken to Maker Faire in the last few years include our Interactive LED Dining Table, CandyFab, Bristlebots, Interactive LED Coffee Table, Peggy 2, and Meggy Jr RGB.

We’re also participating in the Open Source Hardware Panel, on Saturday at 1 pm at the Innovation Stage at the south end of the Expo Hall.

Eggbot kit - preview 1

We’ll have much more to say about this later, but we’re thrilled to announce our new collaboration with Bruce Shapiro, Ben Trombley, and Brian Schmalz. While we’re demonstrating the Tabletop-Pong game, Bruce and friends will be giving a sneak peek at the results of our collaboration: a fantastic new version of the Eggbot kit, which we are preparing for release as an open source kit sometime this summer.

Eggbot kit - preview 2

You can sign up here for more info about the kit, and you can try out the Eggbots– or just see them in action –in the center of the Expo Hall.

Lastly, to help get everyone else in the DIY mood, we’re having a DIY Fever sale over at the store, with 20% off of Evil Mad Science open-source kit favorites such as the Larson Scanner, Meggy Jr RGB and the Bulbdial Clock, and 10% off of everything else!

Happy hacking, and we’ll hope to see you all at the Faire!