Category Archives: Everything Else

December Quickie Linkdump

Holiday gifts, some math fun, and the usual weirdness.

Galaga Quilt by Carolina Patchworks

This Galaga quilt from Carolina Patchworks would make the perfect present for the retro arcade game fan. According to the etsy listing, it “is fully compatible with the XBox 360, Wii, PlayStation III, all high-definition televisions, most models of fireplace, and a wide variety of good books.”

However, only one lucky geek in the world is going to get this seriously underpriced masterwork as their Christmas present this year, so make sure your trigger-finger skills are in tip-top shape before you head on over to etsy.

Thanks, Sean!

Related: QuiltBert

November linkdump

(The revenge of random stuff; November edition.)

Frighten yourself with! suggested search terms

I saw that displays a list of search suggestions if you have trouble completing your thought. Since we do a lot of “how to” articles, I thought that I should see what people are searching for and… and… I am now officially frightened.

(Yes, it actually suggested that. I only added the arrow.)

Update: We’re having a contest now.

Halloween link roundup

October Linkdump