your ATmegaxx8 and ATtiny2113 target boards are great little experiment boards. I have used them in a few projects and now I have some ideas for minor changes to the ATmegaxx8 board. For example, allow for DIP-16 packages in the prototyping areas instead of DIP-14. This would fit 74HC595 shift registers, L293D motor controller, etc.
Technically this wouldn’t be a problem I believe, but I have no idea how do this for $3 a pop in small quantities. How did you manage to make those target boards so cost efficient, well really cheap actually? I understand that your design is single layer to keep the cost down. Nonetheless I have not found a pooling PCB fab house that would do this at this price in small quantities.
Do you have any suggestions? How do you make the boards for your products in general?
Kind regards,
– ubiyubix