any egg bot sample plot?

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums Egg-Bot any egg bot sample plot?

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    Is there any place where there are sample egg bot sample plots. 
    I am old timer with learning problems and now that I have the thing built and tested I would like to do a couple of samples to show my wife daughter what it could do for their craft projects.
    They have better abilities to learn the programs then I do.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Windell Oskay.


    Check out the eggbot download site,
    See specifically, the eggbot sample collection,
    You’ll find an assortment of plots there, some simple and some not.  Start with simpler plots.
    Also, if you go to and search on “eggbot” you’ll find quite a few plots.  Some of them require some experience with getting good centering and grip on your eggs so don’t try a challenging plot as your first experiment.  Also, if you want to visually see the eggbot “coordinate” system on an egg, there’s some plots such as
    HOWEVER, you don’t need to understand the coordinate system to that level of detail to make nice plots!!  I mention that plot in case you actually are curious about that aspect of the eggbot.  (Disclaimer: that’s a plot of mine there at thingiverse.)
    Have Fun!

    Thank you that was a big help.



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