Art Controller Programming

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  • #20133

    Hi All

    I am only new to this and I have purchased a art controller, I am happy with all the current functions but I am wanting to know if anyone can help me in programing the controller to have a 3 second delay before the timer circuit operates the relay.

    Windell Oskay

    Please see our wiki page on programming, for the “getting started” guide:

    Look for this part of the code, where the trigger is issued:

                        if (PINB & 1// Make sure that cancel pin is HIGH (not active):



                            StopTime = calculateStopTime();


                            Triggered = 1;

                            CoilOn = 1


    What you will want to do is to add the three-second delay at this point, maybe like so:

                        if (PINB & 1)  // Make sure that cancel pin is HIGH (not active):



    StopTime = 3;

    while ( seconds() < StopTime)



                            StopTime = calculateStopTime();


                            Triggered = 1;

                            CoilOn = 1


    (Keep in mind that this is untested code, but it might point you in the right direction.)

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