Axicl search path?

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    How /where can I tell axicli to look for my .svg files to print them?

    I would like all my .svg files to be in one place and to just say:

    Axicli <filename>

    and have it print.

    I’m using Raspbian os.

    I should be able to figure this out, but I’m stuck.


    Windell Oskay

    There are any number different things that you can do to simplify a process like this. Using a “search path” is probably not better than just keeping the files in one directory, and using them there.

    The most basic method of all would be to put your SVG files to plot right in your home directory. Then, open a terminal window and directly use axicli your_file.svg to print that file.

    Adding one level of complexity, suppose that your files are in a folder named “axidraw_files”, in your home directory.

    Then, open a terminal and move into that directory cd axidraw_files and call axicli your_file.svg to print it.

    Alternately, stay in your home directory and use axicli axidraw_files /your_file.svg to print it. (You can hit the “tab” key on your keyboard to autocomplete things as you’re typing them– this is faster than it looks.)

    Another method that I’ve used, especially when working on Raspberry Pi, is to make a shell script that I call instead of axicli, which calls axicli on a particular file. You could do the same thing, making a new command that moves to the right directory, and calls axicli on a particular file.

    For example, if your files are in ~/axidraw_files, then you could create a script called adplot that changes directory to axidraw_files
    and then plots the second argument on the command line.

    You can also potentially create a linux alias, that prepends the directory name to the file when you call axicli.



    I’ll get to work figuring out what is the best approach.

    If just dropping them in my home directory works, that should be easy.


    Just putting the documents in the home directory works fine.


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