I’ve been using it for 10+ days that I’ve had it. Was running without issues.
Last night I unplugged it as I do at night (light and noise from it keep me up).
When I tried starting a plot today in InkScape, I got this error message when trying to lower/raise the pen:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “axidraw_control.py”, line 32, in <module>
File “/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/org.inkscape.Inkscape/config/inkscape/extensions/axidraw_deps/ink_extensions_utils/exit_status.py”, line 26, in run
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File “/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/org.inkscape.Inkscape/config/inkscape/extensions/axidraw_deps/ink_extensions/inkex.py”, line 281, in affect
File “/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/org.inkscape.Inkscape/config/inkscape/extensions/axidraw_deps/ink_extensions/inkex.py”, line 204, in parse
self.document = etree.parse(stream, parser=p)
File “src/lxml/etree.pyx”, line 3521, in lxml.etree.parse
File “src/lxml/parser.pxi”, line 1880, in lxml.etree._parseDocument
File “src/lxml/parser.pxi”, line 1900, in lxml.etree._parseFilelikeDocument
File “src/lxml/parser.pxi”, line 1795, in lxml.etree._parseDocFromFilelike
File “src/lxml/parser.pxi”, line 1201, in lxml.etree._BaseParser._parseDocFromFilelike
File “src/lxml/parser.pxi”, line 615, in lxml.etree._ParserContext._handleParseResultDoc
File “src/lxml/parser.pxi”, line 725, in lxml.etree._handleParseResult
File “src/lxml/parser.pxi”, line 654, in lxml.etree._raiseParseError
File “/var/folders/1l/j055bf6s6sgglzrstxmt08t40000gn/T/ink_ext_XXXXXX.svgS8HJR0”, line 3
lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: xmlns:ns: ‘&#38;ns_ai;’ is not a valid URI, line 3, column 38
The error stays even after restarting the computer, reinstalling the axidraw controls in inkscape, and changing USB ports.
Please help me with this urgently! Thanks
This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Fabrice.