AxiDraw documentation and software

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    Now that AxiDraw machines are appearing in the wild this week (mine arrives tomorrow), I’m curious as to where the promised documentation, software installers, etc. are located? I’ve checked the Wiki (which is supposed to be the intended home for this sort of thing), the forum, the blogs, my emails, and so forth. I haven’t been able to find any new information.

    I *get* that I need Inkscape. I get that somewhere there exists a plugin to Inkscape for AxiDraw. Beyond those 2 nuggets of knowledge, I’m at a loss as to where to get info to correctly set up and utilize this machine.

    I realize the demand has far exceeded expectations and you guys are swamped…but please advise us as to how to get started or at least provide an update indicating a new target date for when docs, tutorials, and software will be made available.

    Thank you.

    Windell Oskay

    We are indeed swamped and running behind schedule on many things, but the software and the first part of the user guide are posted on the wiki. This (along with ramping up production) are our top priorities right now. We *are* dedicated to making sure that everyone does have a smooth experience as they get up and running. The user guide does walk you through getting your software setup and through your first print, but we will also be continuing to add to the manual all month long, including a few planned tutorials that aren’t in there yet.

    Lenore Edman

    To add to what Windell said, I just added AxiDraw to the front page of the wiki so that it is easier to find.

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