Axidraw Merge leaves dots when including variety

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    I have successfully set up my machine to run with SVG fonts and custom handwriting, but it seems to ‘go back’ to add embellishes such as longer strokes at the end of a word.

    This is particularly obvious when you look closely at words. Since the pen is not smoothly stroked throughout the whole word (specifically at the random variations of length at the end stroke of words) it leaves a dot that looks almost like a comma at the end of the words where strokes are varied.

    Is there some step I missed when configuring hershey advanced to be used with random handwriting like defects? I thought I followed the manual carefully but may have missed something, so I just wanted to check.

    Is this normal behavior? Is there any way around it?

    Windell Oskay

    I’m not sure if it’s normal because I’m not very clear on what it is that you are describing.

    I’m not sure what you mean by “smoothly stroked”, and I’m not sure what you mean by “where strokes are varied”.

    I’m also not sure what settings you are using, so I’m not sure whether or not you have missed something.

    That said, a “dot that looks like a comma” at the end of a word sounds like an issue with pen height (and not related to the other things that you’re describing). If the pen height is not set well (between physical position and settings), it can be the case that the AxiDraw carriage begins moving before the pen is fully lifted from the page, and this is what leaves the tail on the pen stroke.

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