Bulbdial clock Blue Ring LED problem

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    Hi could anyone please help? I have assembled the first ring of the Blubdial clock. However, in alignment test mode, when D16 turns on, so does D61. When D61 should be on, it is off but D51, D41, D31, D21, D65, D64, D63 and D62 on are instead. I can provide a link to a video if that’s helpful.

    I’d really appreciate any advice. I’ve checked for dry joints and the soldering looks good. Not sure what else to do.

    Many thanks

    Windell Oskay

    First, check that all of your LEDs are facing the same direction.


    Thanks, fixed. Polarity of D61 was incorrect. Silly error. Many thanks for your time responding

    Windell Oskay

    Fantastic! It’s always great when there’s a clear cause for things not working right, and I’m very glad to hear that you’ve got it fixed.

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