Cannot get any movement from Axidraw

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums AxiDraw Cannot get any movement from Axidraw

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by mark.
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  • #30584

    I’ve just bought a second hand Axidraw V3. I’ve gone through the first steps in the manual, but cannot get any movement from the axidraw – no cycle pen up/down or any movement on trying to plot.

    So far I’ve:

    – Checked the pen lift motor cable is connected, all looks as per the manual
    – Installed the software and Inkscape, no issues reported.
    – Tried several different usb cables

    I can see that the USB device is connected as Eibotboard in the OSX system information, and if I check the firmware through Axidraw Control this comes back as version 2.7.0

    So I’m assuming there is no connection issue.

    I see a blinking light on the control board flashing one short, then one longer pulse over 3 seconds.

    I’m on OSX 11.6.6 with a Macbook Pro 15-inch, 2019 – Intel i7

    Any help appreciated!


    To add, this is what I get back from running the Config check:

    This is AxiDraw Control version 3.8.0.
    Your AxiDraw Control software is up to date.

    Your AxiDraw has firmware version 2.8.1.
    Your firmware is up to date; no updates are available.

    Additional system information:
    3.10.7 (main, Oct 6 2022, 02:17:36) [Clang 13.1.6 (clang-1316.]
    Voltage readout: 295 (~ 9.05 V).
    Current setpoint: 514 (~ 0.94 A).

    Windell Oskay

    From the readouts we can see that your computer is successfully communicating with the AxiDraw and that your power supply is detected and appears to be working.

    There could possibly be an issue with the power supply — if it is putting out the right voltage but doesn’t have any substantial current sourcing ability. However, that seems unlikely as a first guess.

    When you try to run a plot, do you hear any sounds at all from the AxiDraw? And, do the motors seem to engage and lock the carriage in place? Or, does the carriage still move freely as though it were unplugged?


    Thanks for helping me over email with this

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