Copyright question re:reworked fonts

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  • #22513
    Windell Oskay

    I noticed that EMS Readability has duplicate data in the capital “E”, making it print twice. Do you have any straightforward means of detecting duplicate paths like this? I only happened to notice while doing some plots!


    Egad!!  No, I don’t have any straightforward means of detecting duplicate paths.  I’ll have to ponder how it occured, with an eye to seeing if I need to build in a safeguard of some sort.

    Glad you found it, sorry it happened.  8^) At the least, I will manually look for more in the .svg files which define the characters.

    The error is in the .svg file for that face, rather than in the Visual Basic transform-to-Hershey program.  This most likely means it was a human error (mine), and therefore is hopefully not likely to be endemic.

    I’ve remedied the error, but have to dash out the door this second, so won’t get it into dropbox for about another ten hours.

    Windell Oskay

    I’ve already corrected it in both the regular and italic versions. No worries; just wondering if you had any clever tricks for spotting these. Food for thought!


    Must have been rather a pain locating the exact data points to be removed!!


    After reading Lenore’s blog post about the nixie-based font, I went looking for something similar with open font license.  No joy, unfortunately.

    I did, however, find an OFL font that perhaps fills a different vacancy in the growing Hershey fonts constellation.  It looks rather like Courier, though it is said to be influenced by neon tube design (I must confess I don’t see any neon influence, however.)  It’s at

    I’ve added this derivative as EMS Nixish and EMS Nixish Italic.  And documented both in the now-canonical style.  And here it is in dropbox as version 2.0.2:

    Windell Oskay

    Awesome! I agree that I don’t see much neon influence here, but I’m definitely happy to have it added to the set. And, I see that you’ve got the updated version of Readability in there, too. :)  I’ll push it to the repository shortly.

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