I’m using an Arduino UNO together with a CNC shield and two A4988 drivers.
I can access the Arduino using a web browser and see the following version: EBBv13 and above Protocol simulated by Eggduino-Firmware V1.x.
Steppers help me move when I attempt them.
Yet, I get the following errors when I try to run a command in Inkscape:
Traceback (most recent call last): File “inkex.py”, line 283, in impact self; File “eggbot.py”, line 1169, in e.affect()
line 190 of file “eggbot.py”, in effect self.
serialPort = ebb serial.openPort() Line 307 of file “ebb serial.py” in “openPort” found port = findPort() Line 60 of file “ebb serial.py” in “findPort”
the ebb port is COM6
Global name ‘COM6’ not defined: NameError
But the port is specified in ebb.serial.py:
Define FindPort:
Use USB ports to find the first EiBotBoard that becomes accessible.
# Give me the serial port object.
experiment with from serial.tools.list ports