Eibotboard alternative ideas

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums Egg-Bot Eibotboard alternative ideas

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    Hello, I’m curious to see what all is out there in regards to what people are doing with the eiboard.  I’ve thus far found a few drawbot (robot hangs by two strings or chains and moves on a wall to draw something).  I’ve also seen one guy putting up something about a laser etcher with an x-y table, but I’m not sure if there were too many details given.

    Besides those, I’m a bit at a loss.  I’m maybe going to attempt something different, but my progress would be much faster if I could see a few other alternative examples and “steal” a few good ideas from them.  I’m a bit new at the programming side, so I’ll probably try to just keep the inkscape pluggin as my software, but I would certainly be interested to see if anyone else came up with alternatives.
    A few more questions:  
    does running the board with a higher voltage (12v vs 9v) have any affect on the torque/power of the motors, or is that only adjustable with the pot?
    has anyone gotten any 7.5degree steppers to work smoothly?  I haven’t had time to mess with it, but my nema17 works way better than the 7.5degree motors I pulled out of some printers. I’d rather not have to buy more, but no big deal.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Windell Oskay.
    Windell Oskay

    The trouble is that you can use it for *almost anything* that needs two stepper motors, so many of the people using them don’t say much about it.  

    There are quite a few drawbots, etch-a-sketch machines, and little CNC machines.  We’ve also seen a coil winding machine, rotary turntable for photography, and a linear-axis (lathe geometry) eggbot (the “mugbot”) for drawing on mugs.  And how about an automated labyrinth maze solver?  ( http://buildsmartrobots.ning.com/profiles/blogs/automated-labyrinth-maze )
    – Yes, running at higher voltage will provide more current, torque, and power to your motors.
    – In my experience 7.5 degree motors are never all that smooth, but I haven’t actually tried one on the EBB.  With 48/steps per revolution native, in principle you can get 768 steps per revolution with the EBB and 16X microstepping.
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