Fake Flame using FLickery flame kit

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    For a class I am teaching I already have the students making flickery Flame kits fro a lantern prop. But I was thinking with the addition of a small computer fan and silk I could have them make a fake flame torch prop. Any advice on where to start with this? I am thinking batteries to power the fan and I would need something to regulate the power going to the fan. 

    Is this not as simple as I think is? Any advice is very much appreciated.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Windell Oskay.
    Windell Oskay

    Yes, that should work well.  You might consider also looking at our clear-lens yellow flickering LEDs, which are particularly good for this purpose, since they project more of a beam than the diffused LEDs in the flickery flame kits.

    Computer fans are not particularly tolerant of unexpected voltage inputs– a 5 V DC computer fan wants steady 5 V DC. Using a regulator is an OK idea, but it might be better to give it 6 V DC (4 C or D cells), with a load resistor and/or diode to drop the voltage down to 5.
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