Hand Written Notes

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    I would like to create hand written notes. Is there any software that might run on top or INKSCAPE to make the process simpler, or any stand alone software. I only want to write notes and was hoping to find a “dumbed down” version of inkscape. Inkscape is so advanced and is over kill for the simple task I would like to do.

    If my dream software is not available is there a guide out there that might help with the process flow to make it happen. The stationary is the same 100% of the time.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Windell Oskay

    First, the AxiDraw does not have hands — you can certainly use it to create things that look handwritten.

    Just because Inkscape has a lot of features doesn’t mean that you need to use them. For a lot of users, the process is to open a new document of the right size, click to select the text tool, click on the page to indicate where to put the text, and then start typing. That’s not much different from any other system that you might want to use for positioning text on a page.

    Also, if your document is 99% the same, you can *save* the document, and then open it up for making little edits before you print the next page.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Windell Oskay.

    If you need to use inkscape for generating AxiDraw writable svg file, it is convenient to use WACOM made tablet instead of a mouse. As tablet usual, it may not illustrate precise drawings as you may wanted. In the case, a digital pen maight be a good alternative of tablet. But you have to be careful about the document property of an SVG file created by using a digital pen.The size should be exactly be matched with the paper size you will use with AxiDraw, otherwise the writing operation will break the machine due to illegal paper size.

    Windell Oskay

    @Hiro The XY travel limits are set by both the paper size and the machine travel. You should be able to set the travel limits with the selection of AxiDraw Model in the Config tab, or with a config file if necessary.

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