Inkscape extension (.inx) invalid XML

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums AxiDraw Inkscape extension (.inx) invalid XML


  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by dmk.
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  • #30576

    I downloaded the latest inkscape extension pack ( and it is not loading into inkscape, apparently because of a couple of corrupt files.

    Inkscape 1.2.2 reports:

    /u/donovan/.config/inkscape/extensions/axidraw_hatch.inx:67: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: param line 66 and _param
    v2.4.3. Copyright 2022, Evil Mad Scientist</_param>
    /u/donovan/.config/inkscape/extensions/eggbot_hatch.inx:67: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: param line 66 and _param
    v2.4.3. Copyright 2022, Evil Mad Scientist</_param>

    which is replicated by xmllint:

    donovan@callisto:~/Downloads/ad-ink_370$ xmllint axidraw_hatch.inx
    axidraw_hatch.inx:67: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: param line 66 and _param
    v2.4.3. Copyright 2022, Evil Mad Scientist</_param>

    Windell Oskay

    I have heard of occasional errors reported by Inkscape on things like this, but I have not had any reports of Inkscape actually failing to load extensions because of it.

    If your extensions aren’t loading, this probably is not related to the reason why. If you can say anything else about what specific issue you are having within Inkscape (ignoring this report), I can probably help direct you to a solution.

    Alternately, contact support for the 3.8 release which does have an overhaul of the .inx files, or wait for its release which should be in the next couple of weeks.


    Thanks; yeah, it seems that something else is completely broken with extensions on this system – I have yet to figure out what, but the AxiDraw extension worked fine on another computer presumably despite the adjacent XML errors.

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