Multiple Alpha Clock Fives Firmware feature request

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums Clock Kits Multiple Alpha Clock Fives Firmware feature request

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  • #20205

    I have been tinkering with Multiple Alpha Clock Fives and they work great as a Text Display using the serial connection.  The issue I ran into was getting them back to displaying the time/date.  It seems the MT command only causes the first Alpha Clock Five in the chain to revert to Time Display leaving the other displays in Text display mode.  It would be much more useful to be able to have more control over the what the individual Alpha Clock Fives in the serial chain display when they are not displaying Text messages.  One could display Date(Month/ Day), a second could display day of the week. a third could display year,  a forth could display Time, a fifth could display week of the month.  Count Down or Count Up Timers might also be useful.  Just being able to pick which clock in the chain would display the time would be an improvement over the current firmware.

    Windell Oskay

    Hmmm.    Good suggestion!

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