So I’ve just finished soldering my new octolively and alas when I plug in the power, nothing happens! great!
So I’ve been going at it with my multimeter and I know that the 5V is going in the board. The switch is also working.
Weird thing is, when I measure the voltage on pins 10 – 11 of the chip I get nothing.
No current is going to the chip.
But if I put a jumper on JP5, I get voltage to the chip.
I now know that the chip is getting the power but still nothing lights up.
So, if anyone can shed some light on these 2 problems (why I need JP5 to be connected and why nothing lights up) I appreciate it.
PS: I’m sure all the LEDS, infrared and photosensitive are well positioned (+/- wise)
PS2: I know it’s hard to pinpoint the problem but anything at all is appreciated!
Thank you