Powering RPI Zero from AlphaClock

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums Clock Kits Powering RPI Zero from AlphaClock


  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Rob.
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    I’m building a little project that has me packaging up a raspberrypi with an alphaclock and I thought it would be elegant if I could power the RPI through the alphaclock board so I only had to worry about one power supply for the whole thing.

    I’m a total amateur, so I’m kind of muddling my way through it and I’m a bit stumped.

    It looks like there is a Reg_5V hole on the alphaclock board which I thought I might be able to use to pass an appropriate amount of power to the RPI, but when I do that, the RPI keeps rebooting, which makes me think that the Reg_5V isn’t providing quite enough power.

    I suppose another option might be for me to use the Alt_P and GND_IN holes but that provides 9v of power which is too much for the RPI to handle. I could create a voltage divider I think, but that’s a bit intimidating for my level of knowledge so I was hoping for an easier solution.

    Does anyone have any advice on how I might go about powering the raspberrypi from the alphaclock board?

    Windell Oskay

    Is this a blue/white Alpha Clock Five, or a red one?


    It’s the white Alpha Clock Five.

    Windell Oskay

    The voltage regulator on the Alpha Clock Five is only rated for 150 mA, total. A Raspberry Pi Zero can draw up to about 250 mA, even if it’s not driving any external devices that use power. You might consider using an external switching power supply, driven by the 9 V, to power the Pi.


    Ah that’s a good idea. I’ll explore that direction. Thanks for the suggestion!


    I just wanted to follow up and say thanks. I ended up using this https://www.adafruit.com/product/1385 and it worked perfectly.

    Thank you!

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