Hello I assembled a Meggy jr 1.2 and it worked for a hour or 2 but now it is not functioning .. I have re flowed solder on pins that looked that had a cold joint .. Still nothing I checked with a meter I have 4.5 volts dc so the battery’s are not the problem I checked the led Martix to see if I burned the diodes out and I didn’t .. I don’t know what else to do . I make sure there was no cross solder ether .Ive tested the LED with meter they appeared to work. Is there a component that hinders all the functions to work it is completely dead. I also tested the ATMEGA http://www.atmel.com/Images/8271S.pdf using this diagram and the VCC and GRD are receiving voltage and on the AVCC too also i checked the LED Drivers http://html.alldatasheet.com/html-pdf/136575/ETC1/MBI5026CF/202/2/MBI5026CF.html and also seem to be receiving voltage . Help
This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Windell Oskay.