Servo set-up message

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  • #20480

    Hello evil mad scientists.  I just completed putting together an original Eggbot and I was attempting to set-up the pen position.  When I applied the preset positions I received this message:

    Traceback (most recent call last):

      File “”, line 1406, in <module>


      File “C:Program”, line 268, in affect


      File “”, line 314, in effect


      File “”, line 1299, in EggbotOpenSerial

        self.serialPort = self.getSerialPort()

      File “”, line 1356, in getSerialPort

        for strComPort in eggbot_scan.findEiBotBoards():

      File “C:Program”, line 6, in findEiBotBoards

        hKey = _winreg.OpenKey( hReg, r”SYSTEMCurrentControlSetEnumUSBVID_04D8&PID_FD92″ )

    WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified

    I am not sure what this means or what to try and do about it.  Help?
    Windell Oskay

    That’s no good! The error is spelled out in the last two lines there — it looks like there is some serious problem communicating over USB to the EggBot. (Something along the lines of “Open USB? File not found!”)

    I have not seen this exact error before. I’ll see if I can find a solution. 
    However, in the meantime you might try restarting, and I have a few questions for you: 
    Do you have any unusual USB devices (other serial devices) or software (e.g., anti-malware) that could be preventing access to the USB port?
    Can you please say which version of Windows you are using? 
    And, did you run the EggBot installer version 2.5.0?

    Restarting as in uninstalling and reinstalling the software?

    I do not currently have any other USB devices hooked up to my computer.  My computer does have the free version of Malwarebytes installed
    Windows 7 Professional 32-bit
    I ran the EggBot installer from this download:  Download EggBot_250A.exe
    Windell Oskay

    Thank you for the info– that all sounds sane. 

    I had only meant to try restarting the computer. (Sometimes in Windows-land, that solves problems.)

    If you are able to, please try temporarily disabling Malwarebytes before plugging in the EggBot. It may block access to the USB port. If it does turn out to be the issue, please check its settings, to see if you can allow USB port access.
    If that does not help, I would suggest to try installing the previous version of the EggBot software (2.4.0). You can find it here:
    Windell Oskay

    Have you been able to make any progress on this? (I do have a couple of other things that you might try, depending on how those things turned out.)

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