Setting 6 x 8 inches doesn't plot right

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  • #28165

    Hello, I’ve been printing SVGs in 8.5 x 11 for a couple of days happily with my new AxiDraw A3 size. Today, I changed my document size to 6 x 8 and the plotter keeps printing what appears to be 8.5 x 11 positioning. I’ve triple checked Doc settings, how clean the SVG is etc. And I can’t get it to print 6×8 image centered.

    Use case problem recreated:
    1. I set the doc size to custom 6×8 page size.
    2. I import an SVG image and center it (roughly 3×3 centered on 6×8)
    3. I check to make sure I have the correct hardware config in AxiDraw Control, which I do.
    4. I make sure with motors off that the plotter head is at 0,0.
    5. I insert my pen and run the plotter.

    Result, the plotter will move down and to the right a bit, then draw my 3×3 image on the right hand side of my 6×8.

    I don’t know what is happening. Things I “think” might be happening:
    1. It somehow can’t forget the original 8×11 setting in some odd way
    2. The motors are broken (doubt that)
    3. My SVG has some hidden 8.5×11 container that keeps throwing my image off
    4. When the pen initiates it first moves to find what appears to be a new 0,0 x,y starting point.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Carlos. Reason: Typos

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    6 x 8 page above, my art shows up on the right close to right edge.

    Windell Oskay

    It isn’t clear from your description exactly what the situation is.

    A couple of first things to check:
    * Is the upper-left corner of the 6×8 paper under the pen when you start plotting?
    * Could this be an “automatic rotation” issue– that is, one that could be fixed by rotating your paper 90 degrees before printing?

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