Okay so I have to work with SVRs in a schematic I’m looking at and I’ve never seen them before http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/6985/19892699.png [Broken] Uploaded with ImageShack.us I know how BJTs work but I don’t understand how the current is flowing so far I see that a Vin at base gives a current from bottom base to emitter, which lets current flow from bottom collector to emitter I think So does the current from the 12V go to the collector on the bottom AND the base at the top? My boss says its for fixing some short circuit problem and that one BJT makes sure that its always “on”… anyways I’m pretty confused and I’ve read some articles over SVRs but they don’t explain them in terms of BJTs, but as a whole component any help would be appreciated
Source https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/silicon-controlled-rectifier-svr-question.514817/