Something On Pen Holder Bent/Bound

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums AxiDraw Something On Pen Holder Bent/Bound

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    I recently relocated a bunch of stuff to my office, including my AxiDraw. When I went to put it back into service today, the pen holder mechanism appears bent in a way that prevents it from raising/lowering the pen. The motor still toggles between the 2 positions, but the entire pen mechanism that slides up and down seems bound up.

    I’m looking for what to fix/adjust/replace to get this back in service.

    Here’s a video showing the problem:


    After disassembling, it looks like the travel rods and everything toward the pen from there is warped in some way. Can I order replacements?

    Lenore Edman

    Yes, and I’ll follow up with that information in response to your email message. Additionally, you may want to note that when transporting the AxiDraw, it is a good idea to remove the pen clip from the vertical stage.


    Well, when transporting in the future, this will get a massive upgrade in care.

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