trouble burning the bootloader to atmega 328

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums Microcontrollers trouble burning the bootloader to atmega 328

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  • #20831

    Hey Windell, thanks for all the help you gave early in the AM…..such an easy fix….just in case someone needs this

    In case anyone else has this problem (which by odd coincidence I had tonight), this is what I think the problem was and an easy solution:

    If you have a 328-PU in place of the normal 328P it has a different signature byte. Functionally it’s the same chip but AVRdude won’t recognise it.

    Easiest fix is to find your avrdude.conf file and in the entry under ATmega328, edit the line:

    Thanks Again

    signature = 0x1e 0x95 0x0F;

    to read:

    signature = 0x1e 0x95 0x14;

    The former is the sig for a 328P the latter for a 328.

    Works like a charm after that.

    Obviously you might want to edit it back again after.



    Incidentally, if some of your wires are loose, you can get exactly the same error even with the correct chip… I mean, so I’ve heard. ;)


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