Trying to compile file for Sanguino in Arduino IDE

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    I have hacked my Alpha Clock 5 firmware. I’m trying to upload the hacked firmware to a new clock using the Arduino IDE, and I am running into brick walls whichever way I turn.

    I’ve tried using a USB c to USB dongle to connect my FTDI cable to a new MacBook Pro, but it can’t see the FTDI cable.

    I’ve tried using the Arduino IDE v 1.8.10 on a Raspberry Pi 4 but this throws an error regarding the Sanguino board definition files:-

    ” Arduino: 1.8.10 (Linux), Board: “Sanguino W/ ATmega644P”

    Warning: Board sanguino:avr:atmega644 doesn’t define a ‘build.board’ preference. Auto-set to: AVR_ATMEGA644
    Warning: Board sanguino:avr:atmega12848m doesn’t define a ‘build.board’ preference. Auto-set to: AVR_ATMEGA12848M
    Warning: Board sanguino:avr:atmega1284 doesn’t define a ‘build.board’ preference. Auto-set to: AVR_ATMEGA1284
    recipe.preproc.macros pattern is missing

    Error compiling for board Sanguino W/ ATmega644P.

    I’ve tried using the Arduino IDE v 1.0.5 on a Raspberry Pi 4 with a Sanguino P644A as the target. The code won’t compile with errors thrown from the AlphaClock5.h and .cpp files because variables must be const to be stored in PROGMEM:-

    “/home/pi/sketchbook/libraries/Time/DateStrings.cpp:19:18: error: variable ‘monthStr2’ must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of ‘__attribute__((progmem))’
    char monthStr2[] PROGMEM = “February”;”

    If anyone can help me with any one of these issues, I will be extremely grateful.


    Windell Oskay

    The Sanguino software obviously hasn’t been updated in some time – I’ll take a look and follow up here.

    The first “wall”, the FTDI cable, should be a surmountable problem. You might need to install the FTDI driver, and seeing if the cable enumerates under /dev.

    Windell Oskay

    My FTDI cable enumerates (on a Mac) as: /dev/cu.usbserial-FTE55RTK

    I’ve updated the software in the repository and environment configuration instructions:

    Please give it a try, and let me know how it goes.


    Thanks very much. The updated instructions work and my clock is now happily hacked. I still haven’t got the FTDI cable to work on the Mac, nor got the code to compile on the Raspi. But by exporting the binary on the Mac and uploading it to the Alpha Clock 5 via the command line on the Pi, I have achieved the result that I’m looking for.

    I’m very grateful for your quick response. Keep being both evil and mad.


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