Why my bread board won't work if I pull out the USB/power cable?

Home Evil Mad Scientist Forums Electronics Why my bread board won't work if I pull out the USB/power cable?

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  • #20631

    I have bread boarded two Nano modules both have their own NRF24L0 radio. Both boards work perfectly when attached to a computer USB/power port.

    Both talk back and forth sending and receiving data. Works great.

    However if I pull out the USB/power cable from one board and supply 9 volts to Vin …. it won’t transmit or receive anymore. I plug the USB/power/communications cable back in and everything is back to normal. I’ve even used a 120Vac to 5Vdc adapter with a USB output connector and same thing. Won’t Transmit/or receive.

    Can anyone tell me why?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Windell Oskay.
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