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  • in reply to: Stroboscopic Eggs #22468

    Do you by any chance know where one might obtain the miniature motorized turntable?


    I wonder if the problem is akin to the one I experienced with the servo:  The servo connector had been manufactured with _way_ too much slop in the sockets that engage the header pins on the EBB.

    This yielded a terminally intermittent servo.

    in reply to: Circles are drawing as ovals on round objects #22457

    I wonder if there might also be an element of not getting the pen arm horizontal when the pen tip touches the object.

    If the pen is not perpendicular to the sphere, the geometry will be off – and this is the sort of thing that might happen when changing between spheres of different radii.

    in reply to: Eggbot Gallery? #22424

    How about if you made a “Gallery” category here in your forums – and place it high up in the Categories list.  That could also have a plus side to it, in that you might see a little additional traffic to your site?  Plus, it seems a kind of logical place to look for such a gallery.  Plus it would add a generally smiley side to a forum which largely consists of problems.  That said, I am very impressed by your quick, knowledgeable, caring responses to all help-seekers.

    Thingiverse does have a lot of images, but there’s no one URL I can just bookmark to see what’s new – and no inline place for people to comment.

    There’s always facebook, of course – I see the Eggers Egg-Bot group is there, and it certainly seems to be underused, but then again it seems to be mostly for people who do major fancy egg decorating – rather than the kind of quixotic adventurers who may(?) be a good part of your constituency.

    in reply to: Pen servo wires – how to dress them #22417


    in reply to: Serial timeout – does everybody have this? #22357

    Comin’ atcha!

    in reply to: Serial timeout – does everybody have this? #22355

    I didn’t get around to looking at my ‘scope because the serial timeout problem seemed to have magically gone away.  (Well, actually, the eggbot hadn’t had much exercise since I first reported this problem – having too much fun programming.)

    BUT, it seems I can now repeatably get the EBB Serial Timeout error message, and on a small file to boot!  8^)  It occurs every time, and at the exact same place in the plot.

    I’ve debugged enough intermittent problems in my life to know that getting a repeatable failure is a giant step toward identifying the problem.  Hope you can do something with it.

    There is a second bug showing up at the same time, having to do with rendering Hershey text.  There really is no legitimate reason for the text complaint, as my only text is on a different layer and it’s Hershey text anyway.  The complaint about serial timeout also comes in the same errormsg with the warning:unable to draw text.  The warning is only a slight annoyance because it in fact has no text to print at the time, so maybe it’s a software interaction of some sort.

    Anyhoo, if you would like anything from me, such as the really small .svg file, please let me know.  I haven’t yet figured out how to attach a file to this post.

    Oh, and here’s the exact text from the errormsg:

    Warning: unable to draw text; please convert it to a path first.  Consider using the Hershey Text extension which is located under the “Render” category of extensions.
    EBB Serial Timeout.
    Plot paused by button press after node number 8.
    Use the “resume” feature to continue.

    in reply to: Slots in distal pen arm #22385

    Hi Windell…
    Thanks for the info.  I had been thinking of using one of the slots as an index/hold-down method for an appastrapus I’m going to try to make, to help hold the pen orthogonal to the distal arm.  I actually bought the engraving tool from you, so I should have known, but haven’t opened it yet.  8^(  Been having too much fun with the pen and the software.

    Speaking of the photos on your product pages, I really want to compliment you on your superb informative photos.  And that goes double for your instruction sheets.  They are the best, clearest, that I have ever seen!!!

    in reply to: Serial timeout – does everybody have this? #22354

    OK, I found the checkmark.

    in reply to: Serial timeout – does everybody have this? #22352

    Hi Lenore…
    Wow, thanks for the prompt reply!

    I have the Deluxe Eggbot, purchased about a month or so ago (Santa got it for me, so I’m not sure of the exact date.)  I can’t see any checkmark near the screw terminals.  The EBB is screened version 2.3.

    I’ve just now interrupted a print by deliberately pressing the PRG button – worked as expected.  I’ve also now, after finishing a print, pressed PRG several times.  It sounds normal to my ears – a slight clean sound of contact being made, and feels normal to my fingers – a slight snap action.  (I am an electrical engineer by trade, so I think I have a pretty good feel for these things.)

    Now that I’ve tweaked the switch, I will take no further action unless the problem continues to occur.

    Now that I know that my unit’s behavior is not normal, I think before I do any sending EBB back, that I will poke around the switch contacts with a scope – see if I find any unusual noise.  I am familiar with the PIC 18F46J50, having designed my own board using it, and having programmed it.  So…I’ll take a look around and see what I see.

    It’ll likely be a couple of days before I have a chance to do this – should I just reply to this thread when I’ve had my look-see?

    Best regards,
    …Shel M

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